Students will create a quilt block design pattern and learn about quilts and/or Indian rug design or Oriental carpets.
Utilize the following options in creating your over-all design:
CONTROL - C       copy
CONTROL - V       paste
Under IMAGE         horizontal flip
Under IMAGE         vertical flip
Under IMAGE         invert colors
Formatted 2SHD IBM compatible disk, Paint or Paintbrush, colored printer and paper and mounting supplies and visuals of quilts, actual quilts, visuals of Indian rug design or Oriental carpet designs.

  1. Display visuals of quilts, Indian rugs or Oriental carpet designs.  Discuss the mirror image of the designs.  This can require a horizontal flip or a vertical flip.
  2. Click on the Solid Rectangle on the tool bar and draw a rectangle.
  3. Click on Line.  Click on the middle line width.  Draw a diagonal line from one corner of the rectangle to the other corner.  Draw a diagonal line connecting the other two corners. 
  4. Draw designs in each triangle and fill with color until it is done. 
  5. Using the Dotted Rectangle, draw around the whole design leaving no blank space.  Copy (CONTROL - C).  Open a new file (File and New).  Then Paste (CONTROL - V).  Repeat CONTROL - V again.  Click on the design with the "dancing ants" and drag the design next to the original rectangle and align it.  Click on IMAGE and Flip/rotate and select Horizontal or Vertical as needed to make a mirror image.  Sometimes you will need to use both Horizontal and Vertical on the same rectangle. Save as Quilt on A Drive.
Make a color printout and mount.  Hand in by the date stated. 
This is a good opportunity to study both quilts and Indian rug designs.  Quilts have been handed down through generations with certain patterns being used with particular colors.  Quilting circles used to exist where women would gather.  Quilts were pieced together or patchwork until about 1750. Later appliqué and trapunto (cording or padding) came into vogue.

One example of Indian rugs came from the Navajo Indians who live in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.  They are the largest tribal group in America.  They learned sheep herding from the Spaniard and weaving from the Pueblos.  They made blankets, saddle blankets and rugs.  Early blankets were striped from one edge to the other.  Later, new geometric shapes and borders were added.  See Jo Miles Schuman,
Art from Many Hands, Multicultural Art Projects (Davis Publications, Inc., Worcester, Massachusetts, 1981), p. 197)
GRADING SCALE:  Based on 100% of the project.  Each part is 20%.

Diana J. Hunter, Instructor and editor.  Adapted from a project by Karen Pitcher.

Repeat Design  Mondrian  Butterflies  Tessellations 
Landscapes  Positive/Negative  Quilts  Radial Design
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Last updated 12/27/02 Launch date 11/01/01 © 2001 
Permission granted for classroom or home use up to 100 copies.