PROJECT THREE--WINGED INSECTS OBJECTIVES: Students will design a composition of winged insects. This composition can be realistic or imaginary, but will be based on library research of insect characteristics. Symmetry of insects will be achieved using the flip and rotate image option. (Note: The flip and rotate commands can only be done horizontally or vertically and not at a 45º angle. The principle of Repetition, as well as the elements of Space and Color are to be used.
SUPPLIES: Formatted 2SHD IBM compatible disk, Paint or Paintbrush, colored printer and paper and mounting supplies.
Click on Line and choose the middle width to make a thicker line. Click on the Rounded Rectangle or Oval to draw the body of the insect. Click on the Rounded Rectangle or the Line tool to draw the upper and lower wing on one side of the body only. Draw designs using the Oval tool and other tools on the one side. Use the fill for color. When one side is complete, click on the Dotted Rectangle and select the half of the insect body next to the wings. Click on Edit and Copy. (Make sure the bottom box is highlighted by clicking on it.) Then Click on Edit and Paste.
While the second copy of one half of an insect is still selected (It shows "dancing ants".), click on Image and Flip/Rotate and Flip Horizontal. Click okay. Drag the flipped copy into place and click outside of the "dancing ants" to deselect. You may make several insects.
PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Make a color printout and mount. Hand in by the date stated. FINISHED FILE SAVE TO TEACHER'S MASTER DISK.
ART HISTORY: One of the principles of design is balance. Symmetrical designs (mirror images) involving formal balance have been popular. Tiffany lampshades and Frank Lloyd Wright windows have used stained glass window designs. Also, in nature insects normally have a symmetrical design.
GRADING SCALE: Based on 100% of the project. Each part is 25%.