OBJECTIVES: The student will create a design which radiates from a center point. Examples of radial designs include daisies, gears, wheels, winding staircase and starfish.
SUPPLIES: Formatted 2SHD IBM compatible disk, Paint or Paintbrush, colored printer and paper and mounting supplies.
Using the Solid Rectangle, draw a rectangle that fills the entire visible space. Using Line, draw a diagonal line from one corner to the other. Draw a diagonal line from the opposite side. You will have an X. Starting where the two diagonal lines cross, make a vertical line. (Start from the center and work out.)
Then make a horizontal line (staring from the center and work out) through the X. Build designs in the upper right quarter of the rectangle that radiate from the center. Experiment with circle, square, line and other tools. Often it is easier to make the shape outside the picture. To do this click on the Dotted Rectangle around the shape, click on edit + copy and then edit + paste and drag the copy of the shape to the location you have chosen. When the outline of your shapes in the upper right corner is done, save it as radial-1. Fill the upper right hand quarter with colors. Save it. (File + save). Then click on the Dotted Rectangle. Drag this around the upper right hand quarter. Click on edit + copy and edit + paste. Drag the copy to a different quarter and flip it to make a mirror image. For the flip, click on Image + Flip/rotate and horizontal or vertical. Part of the pattern will require both a horizontal and vertical flip. Repeat for the other two quarters so that the pattern radiates from the center. Save it. (File + save).
PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Make a color printout and mount. Hand in by the date stated. FINISHED FILE SAVE TO TEACHER'S MASTER DISK.
ART HISTORY: Tiffany lamps, stained glass rosette windows, in addition to gears and wheels have a radial design. A radial design has a circular pattern, which radiates from a beginning point like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. One type of balance is the radial design. Different types of balance include symmetrical (mirror images) and asymmetrical balance where both sides are not alike.
GRADING SCALE: Based on 100% of the project. Each part is 20%.
Diana J. Hunter, Instructor and editor, using Paint.
Email: dianajhunter@juno.com Last updated 12/27/02 Launch date 11/01/01 © 2001 Permission granted for classroom or home use up to 100 copies.